7 Tips for Choosing the Right Phone for Your Needs
Posted by surecall on 4th Jan 2022
Picking a phone that's perfect for you requires a lot of thought. First, think about what you are going to use the phone for. What should its specs be like to allow you to do everything you need to with it? To help you settle on a device, we have prepared seven tips for choosing the right phone for your needs!
Do you take a lot of photos?
The first step of choosing the right phone for your needs is considering the phone's camera! If you primarily use your phone to take photos, you need to make sure the camera quality is high enough. You may think it will increase the price of a device a lot. However, plenty of cheap older models do not have as many fancy apps but do have fantastic cameras. Therefore, you would be fine if you looked through the best old phones to buy in 2021 and picked one that suits your photography-related needs.

Do you play a lot of games?
If you use your phone to play games and have fun with apps, choosing the right phone for your needs becomes more complicated. Namely, you will need to pay attention to the RAM and processor of the phones you are considering. When it comes to RAM, it tends to increase a bit with every new generation of phones, encroaching slowly on the RAM levels of a computer. So, compare phones you like with the other phones on offer and pick from the ones with the largest RAM numbers. Processors are a bit harder to judge. Typically, you want your phone to have at least a dual-core processor. Still, staying on top of phone specs can be difficult. And you would generally be able to use most games and apps even if you are a single or even two phone gens behind.
Do you need lots of storage space?
Storage space is easy to understand when picking the best phone for you. The more, the better! At least, if you use your phone to store a lot of data. If you do not, this might be a needless expense because larger data storage tends to affect the price of the phone significantly. If you don’t think you need a lot of space, it's fine to compare with other phones on offer and go for a mid-range option. However, it is not advisable to go for a phone with a low amount of data storage space. It tends to get filled more quickly than you think. Then, you must either constantly delete stuff. Otherwise, your phone will start to lag and have all sorts of issues. SD cards do not fix this, either, since most phones treat them as external storage and refuse to treat them differently.
Do you use your phone for work?
The pandemic has somewhat shifted the way work is done. Of course, some people used their phones to do part of their work even before. You can use the WordPress app on your mobile phone, iPhone, iPad, and Android device to manage your WP site from your phone, which has always been a popular way to do. But with work from home becoming more popular, this is hardly the only thing people use their phones for! In particular, many video calls are now being done over phones, be it to follow a meeting, a seminar, or similar. If you do this often, you need to pay attention to the camera, microphone, processor, and RAM of your phone, which will somewhat increase the price of your ideal device.

Consider functionality versus flexibility
Typically speaking, this question often decides whether you want to buy an iPhone or an Android device. An iPhone will usually win if you look purely for higher specs due to work or similar concerns. They tend to last longer, have better performance, and require fewer repairs or customer support tickets in general. However, they are somewhat limited in the apps they support. On the other hand, android phones are all over the place. You can find some that rival iPhones in previous statistics, but then they're mostly more expensive than an equivalent iPhone. However, there's pretty much not an app that they wouldn't support. Certain emulators even allow some computer programs or console games to run on Android phones. And, of course, if you're looking into top mobile phone models for seniors, you do not need to consider flexibility much.
What is the price like?
Of course, you need to consider the price needs when choosing the right phone for your needs. No matter how good a phone's specs are, it would be pointless if you need to take out a loan to get it. Of course, it is possible to get all of the top 10 smart home devices for low prices. Including phones! What is a bit more troublesome is balancing all your requirements with the price tags those requirements might incur. And, naturally, the better you want your specs to be, the higher the price tag. It might be wise to aim for less well-known or emerging brands in such cases. They tend to be cheaper even with good specifications. The only issue is, they are also untested, and you can't be sure of their quality until you try them out.
What is customer support like for the model?
Finally, when picking the right phone for yourself, you need to consider the customer support behind the brand. iPhones typically have solid customer support. But androids are, once again, all over the place. If you opt for well-established brands, or if you have a phone service provider, then you'll probably not have much trouble. However, new or untested brands often offer little to no customer support.

Final advice
Now that you’ve browsed through our seven tips for choosing the right phone for your needs, you should be ready to pick your phone. Remember that certain times of the year are better for phone shopping than others. For example around Christmas and New Year, you can find lots of discounts, so keep that in mind.